Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Journal 8: Navigate the Digital Rapids (NETS 4)

Lindsey. J., & Davis., V. (2010). Navigate the digital rapids. L&L Publications, 37. Retrieved from
This article main theme was to show how important it is that teachers and schools know how to not only properly understand copyrighting information but also how to properly use the new technologies that have developed. Teachers need to know how these new programs work and why they are important so that they can use them to best connect the students to the technologies main purpose. The author refers to “flat classroom projects” as projects in which schools teachers are able to monitor students use of these new technologies. This monitoring teaches them not just how to use these technologies but also the rules and guidelines that surrounds these new tools. One example the author’s using is teaching them to show students how to use appropriate language and images when using online digital tools. The main program these projects are focused on our social networking and collaboration tools. The author uses the analogy of navigating rapids to show that although the journey might be rocky and difficult in the end the final reward will be so worth it.

Why are programs likes “flat classroom projects” so important to schools trying to incorporate these new tools? These programs are important because they help not only properly educate the teachers of online digital citizenship and etiquette but also help promote safe and right use for students. I also think that this programs will be beneficial because not only are the teachers allowed to hold students accountable for mis use of the programs but their own peers can also point them out to them.

Would it also be beneficial to promote programs like these among faculty and teachers? I think that projects like the one mentioned in this article might also help teachers and faculty be held accountable for their online citizenship and how they portray themselves online. This might help also promote a sense of check and balance among the entire school campus.

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